Yume [ 夢] Dreams (Sonhos)

Link ed2k:
ed2k: Yume.Akira.Kurosawa.Dreams.[Subs.Pt.Sp.Eng.Fr.Ko.Ch.Tha].1990.NTSC.DVD.Full.nqk18469.ISO [4.97 Gb]
Yume (夢) (Brasil/Portugal: Sonhos) é um filme japonês de 1990, baseado em sonhos verdadeiros que o cineasta teve em momentos diferentes de sua vida.
Grande mestre do cinema japonês, Akira Kurosawa (vencedor do Oscar® Honorário pelo conjunto de sua obra em 1990) foi mais que um cineasta. Influência assumida para alguns dos diretores de maior sucesso em Hollywood, como Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese e Francis Ford Coppola, a obra de Kurosawa, inspiração para George Lucas criar a saga Guerra nas Estrelas, era pura arte. Pintura, literatura, música, teatro. Poucos tinham seu talento para combinar as diferentes formas de expressão artística.
O filme é mais baseado em imagens do que no diálogo, e divide-se em oito histórias distintas, mas unidas pelo mesmo tema.
Mais do que histórias, Sonhos é um desfile de imagens maravilhosas. Dividido em oito capítulos - oito sonhos diferentes que dialogam entre si - o filme traz a peculiaridade contemplativa do cinema do Japão, a música característica e os figurinos exóticos aos olhos do ocidente. Lidando com medos e vontades subconscientes, o filme traz desde um passeio por entre pinturas do holandês Vincent Van Gogh até o recorrente pesadelo nacional com a radiação nuclear. A beleza da natureza e o horror de sua destruição, bem como tradições milenares, são os elementos que arremessavam Akira Kurosawa a níveis cada vez mais altos de criatividade. Sonhos certamente encherá seus olhos. E não se surpreenda se também arrebatar sua mente e coração.
Sonhos foi indicado ao Oscar de Melhor Fotografia.
Link ed2k:
ed2k: Yume.Akira.Kurosawa.Dreams.[Subs.Pt.Sp.Eng.Fr.Ko.Ch.Tha].1990.NTSC.DVD.Full.nqk18469.ISO [4.97 Gb]
Yume (夢) (Brasil/Portugal: Sonhos) é um filme japonês de 1990, baseado em sonhos verdadeiros que o cineasta teve em momentos diferentes de sua vida.
Grande mestre do cinema japonês, Akira Kurosawa (vencedor do Oscar® Honorário pelo conjunto de sua obra em 1990) foi mais que um cineasta. Influência assumida para alguns dos diretores de maior sucesso em Hollywood, como Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese e Francis Ford Coppola, a obra de Kurosawa, inspiração para George Lucas criar a saga Guerra nas Estrelas, era pura arte. Pintura, literatura, música, teatro. Poucos tinham seu talento para combinar as diferentes formas de expressão artística.
O filme é mais baseado em imagens do que no diálogo, e divide-se em oito histórias distintas, mas unidas pelo mesmo tema.
Mais do que histórias, Sonhos é um desfile de imagens maravilhosas. Dividido em oito capítulos - oito sonhos diferentes que dialogam entre si - o filme traz a peculiaridade contemplativa do cinema do Japão, a música característica e os figurinos exóticos aos olhos do ocidente. Lidando com medos e vontades subconscientes, o filme traz desde um passeio por entre pinturas do holandês Vincent Van Gogh até o recorrente pesadelo nacional com a radiação nuclear. A beleza da natureza e o horror de sua destruição, bem como tradições milenares, são os elementos que arremessavam Akira Kurosawa a níveis cada vez mais altos de criatividade. Sonhos certamente encherá seus olhos. E não se surpreenda se também arrebatar sua mente e coração.
Sonhos foi indicado ao Oscar de Melhor Fotografia.
DVD utilizado: DVD Original
Softwares utilizado....: DVD Decrypter + DVD Shrink 3.2 para montagem do .ISO
Método Utilizado.....: Sem Compressão DVD Full
Região....................: Livre/Free
Arquivos..................: 1 = 4,97 GB (5.341.325.312 bytes)
Menu......................: Sim
Extras....................: Sim
Aspect Ratio:............: 1.78:1
Data de Lançamento do Filme: 25 May 1990 (Japan)
Studio/Distribuidora: Warner Home Video
Informações sobre o DVD:
Data de Lançamento do DVD: 2003/12/06
Tempo de Duração....: 120 minutes
Formato................: Color, Dolby, Limited Edition, Widescreen
Idiona...................: Japonês
Legendas................: Português, Espanhol, Inglês,Francês, Koreano, Chinês, Thailandês e Japonês
* Akira Terao – "I" (Conto Um raio de sol através da chuva)
* Mitsuko Baisho – Mãe de "I" (Conto Um raio de sol através da chuva)
* Mieko Suzuki – Irmã de "I" (Conto Um raio de sol através da chuva)
* Toshie Negishi – Mãe levando filho (Conto O jardim das pessegueiras)
* Mieko Harada – Fada da Neve (Conto A tempestade)
* Mitsunori Isaki – "I" como garoto (Conto Um raio de sol através da chuva)
* Toshihiko Nakano – "I" como criancinha (Conto Um raio de sol através da chuva)
* Yoshitaka Zushi – Recruta Noguchi (Conto A tempestade)
* Hisashi Igawa – Trabalhador da Usina Nuclear (Conto Monte Fuji em vermelho)
* Chosuke Ikariya – O demônio que chora (Conto O demônio que chora)
* Chishu Ryu – Velho Ancião (Conto O vilarejo dos moinhos)
* Martin Scorsese – Vicent Van Gogh (Conto Corvos)
* Masayuki Yui – Membro do time de alpinistas (Conto A tempestade)
* Shu Nakajima – Membro do time de alpinistas (Conto A tempestade)
* Sakae Kimura – Membro do time de alpinistas (Conto A tempestade)
Dreams (夢, Yume, aka Akira Kurosawa's Dreams, I Saw a Dream Like This, or Such Dreams I Have Dreamed) is a 1990 magical realism film based on actual dreams of the film's director, Akira Kurosawa at different stages of his life. The film is based more on imagery than on dialogue. The alternative titles ("I Saw a Dream Like This") are a translation of the opening line of Ten Nights of Dreams, by Natsume Sōseki, which begins: Konna yume wo mita (こんな夢を見た). The film was screened out of competition at the 1990 Cannes Film Festival.
Main Menu:
The film consists of several dreams based on Kurosawa's own, throughout his life. The dreams are eight separate segments in the following order:
Sunshine Through The Rain
Um raio de sol através da chuva
There is an old legend in Japan that states that when the sun is shining through the rain, the kitsune (foxes) have their weddings. In this first dream, a boy defies the wish of a woman, possibly his mother, to remain at home during a day with such weather. From behind a large tree in the nearby forest, he witnesses the slow wedding procession of the kitsune. Unfortunately, he is spotted by the foxes and runs. When he tries to return home, the same woman says that a fox had come by the house, leaving behind a tantō knife. The woman gives the knife to the boy, implying that he must commit suicide. The woman asks the boy to go and beg forgiveness from the foxes, although they are known to be unforgiving. The boy sets off into the mountains, towards the place under the rainbow in search for the kitsune's home.
Há uma antiga lenda japonesa que diz que quando o sol está brilhando através da chuva, as raposas se casam. Neste primeiro sonho, um garoto desacata o desejo de uma mulher, possivelmente sua mãe, para permanecer em casa durante um dia com tal clima. Escondido atrás de uma árvore na floresta, ele é testemunha de um lento processo de matrimônio do kitsune. Infelizmente, ele é descoberto por uma raposa e foge. Quando ele tenta voltar para casa, a mesma mulher diz que a raposa tinha vindo até a casa e deixado uma espada curta. A mulher diz que isso significa que o garoto deve se suicidar porque as raposas estão bravas com o observador indesejado. Então, o garoto sai a caminho das montanhas, em direção ao lugar sob o arco-íris na procura da casa das raposas.
The Peach Orchard
Hina Matsuri, the Doll Festival, traditionally takes place in spring when the peach blossoms are in full bloom. The dolls that go on display at this time, they say, are representative of the peach trees and their pink blossoms. One boy's family, however, has chopped down their peach orchard, so the boy feels a sense of loss during this year's festival. After being scolded by his older sister, the boy spots a small girl running out the front door. He follows her to the now-treeless orchard, where the dolls from his sister's collection have come to life and are standing before him on the slopes of the orchard. The living dolls berate the boy about chopping down the precious trees, but after realizing how much he loved the blossoms, they agree to give him one last glance at the peach trees by way of a slow and beautiful dance to Etenraku.
The Blizzard
A group of four mountaineers struggle up a mountain path during a horrendous blizzard. It has been snowing for three days and the men are dispirited and ready to give up. One by one they stop walking, giving into the snow and sure death. The leader endeavors to push on, but he too, stops in the snow. A strange woman (possibly the Yuki-onna of Japanese myth) appears out of nowhere and attempts to lure the last conscious man to his death - give into the snow and the storm, she urges him on, into reverie, into sleep, into certain death. But finding some heart, deep within, he shakes off his stupor and her entreaties, to discover that the storm has abated, and that their camp is only a few feet away.
The Tunnel
A Japanese army officer is traveling down a deserted road at dusk, on his way back home from fighting in the war. He comes to a large concrete pedestrian tunnel that seems to go on forever into the darkness. Suddenly, an angry, almost demonic-looking anti-tank dog (strapped with explosives) runs out of the tunnel and snarls deeply at him. He proceeds with his walk, afraid, into the tunnel. He comes out the other side, but then witnesses something horrific — the yūrei of one of the soldiers (Private Noguchi) whom he had charge over in the war comes out of the tunnel behind him, his face a light blue, signifying that he is dead.
The soldier seems not to believe he's dead, but the officer convinces him and the soldier returns into the darkness of the tunnel. Just when he thinks he's seen the worst, the officer sees his entire third platoon marching out of the tunnel. They too are dead, with light blue faces. He tries to convince them that they're dead, and he expresses his deep-seated guilt about letting them all die in the war. They stand mute, in reply to his words. He then orders them to about face, and then march back into the tunnel. Lastly, we see a second appearance of the hellish dog, from the beginning of this dream.
This is one of three "nightmares" featured in the film.
Akira Kurosawa's long time friend Ishiro Honda may have helped to direct, or have directed this piece entirely. The two always spoke of filming a story of a dead soldier returning from war.
A brilliantly-colored vignette featuring director Martin Scorsese as Vincent Van Gogh. An art student (a character wearing Kurosawa's trademark hat who provides the POV for the rest of the film) finds himself inside the vibrant and sometimes chaotic world inside Van Gogh's artwork, where he meets the artist in a field and converses with him. The student loses track of the artist (who is missing an ear and nearing the end of his life) and travels through other works trying to find him. Van Gogh's painting Wheat Field with Crows is an important element in this dream. This Segment features Prelude No. 15 in D-flat major by Chopin. The visual effects for this particular segment were provided by George Lucas and his special effects group Industrial Light and Magic.
Mount Fuji in Red
The film's second nightmare sequence. A large nuclear power plant near Mount Fuji has begun to melt down, painting the sky a horrendous red and sending the millions of Japanese citizens desperately fleeing into the ocean. Three adults and two children are left behind on land, but they soon realize that the radiation will kill them anyway.
The Weeping Demon
A man (possibly Kurosawa himself) finds himself wandering around a misty, bleak mountainous terrain. He meets a strange oni-like man, who is actually a mutated human with one horn. The "demon" explains that there had been a nuclear holocaust which resulted in the loss of nature and animals, enormous dandelions and humans sprouting horns, which cause them so much agony that you can hear them howling during the night, but, according to the demon, they can't die, which makes their agony even worse. The last of the three "nightmare" sequences. This is actually a post-apocalyptic retelling of a classic Buddhist fable of the same name
Village of the Watermills
A young man finds himself entering a peaceful, stream-laden village. The traveller meets an old, wise man who is fixing a broken watermill wheel. The elder explains that the people of his village decided long ago to forsake the polluting influence of modern technology and return to a happier, cleaner era of society. They have chosen spiritual health over convenience, and the traveller is surprised but intrigued by this notion.
At the end of the sequence (and the film), a funeral procession for an old woman takes place in the village, which instead of mourning, the people celebrate joyfully as the proper end to a good life. This segment was filmed at the Daio Wasabi farm in the Nagano Prefecture. The film ends with a haunting yet melancholic melody from the excerpts of "In the Village" , part of the Caucasian Sketches, Suite No. 1 by the Russian composer Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov.
Akira Terao ... I
Mitsuko Baisho ... Mother of 'I'
Toshie Negishi ... Mother carrying child
Mieko Harada ... The Snow Fairy
Mitsunori Isaki ... 'I' as a boy
Toshihiko Nakano ... 'I' as a young child
Yoshitaka Zushi ... Pvt. Noguchi
Hisashi Igawa ... Nuclear Plant Worker
Chôsuke Ikariya ... The crying demon
Chishû Ryû ... Old Man
Martin Scorsese ... Vincent Van Gogh
Masayuki Yui ... Member of climbing team
Release Date Movie: 25 May 1990 (Japan)
Studio / Distributor: Warner Home Video
Language Menu:
Special Features:
Cast and Crew:
Anothers screens:
Language | Japanese | |
Subtitles | included: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, korea, China, Thailand and Japanese on ISO |
Rip SpecsDVD9 without compression.
DVD Source: Original DVD
Software used ....: DVD Decrypter + DVD Shrink 3.2 for mounting. ISO
Method Used .....: No Compression DVD Full
Region ....................: Free / Free
Files ..................: 1 = 4.97 GB (5,341,325,312 bytes)
Menu ......................: Yes
Extras ....................: Yes
Aspect Ratio:............: 1.78:1
Information of the DVD:
Date of DVD Release: 2003/12/06
Runtime ....: 120 minutes
Format ................: Color, Dolby, Limited Edition, Widescreen
Size4.97GB (5,340,749,824 bytes)
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