25 Trackers Privados: Invites por IRC & Invite Applications
Fonte do Conteúdo
KillaWaves (KWS)
Site Name: KillaWaves (http://killawaves.org/)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.killawaves.org/Invites
Stats: 3700+ torrents
Description: KillaWaves (better known as KWS) is a Gazelle based private BitTorrent tracker that specializes in Drum and Bass (DnB), Oldskool, Jungle, Ambient, Techno, Garage and Dubstep music.
ScienceHD (SciHD)
Site Name: ScienceHD (http://sciencehd.info)
Invite Application URL: http://sciencehd.info/applications.php
Stats: 2200+ users and 4600+ torrents
Description: ScienceHD is an excellent gazelle based private tracker for Science Fiction TV & documentary torrents. “Mad scientists await your arrival”
Merlin (ML)
Site Name: Merlin or ML
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.pron.org.uk/merlins-invites
Stats: 900+ Torrents
Description: Merlin (or ML) is a relatively new private torrent site that indexes movies, TV shows and music that belong to Science Fiction / Fantasy genres. ML is a project by the veteran crew behind ACiD.
The Vault
Site Name: The Vault (http://thevault.bz)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.thevault.bz:6667/thevault-invites
Invite Application URL: http://thevault.bz/app.php
Stats: 18000+ torrents
Description: The Vault is a private tracker that focuses primarily on money making (both online and offline) and business. Niche private tracker with some very rare content.
ShareTheRemote (STR)
Site Name: Share The Remote (http://sharetheremote.org/)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.sharetheremote.org/invite
Stats: 4800+ torrents and 7300 users
Description: ShareTheRemote is a new Gazelle based TV torrent tracker indexing episodes from over 1000 different television shows.
Site Name: BTN
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.omgwtfhax.net/BTN-Invites
Stats: ~5000 users and 12750+ torrents
Description: BTN is without a doubt one of the best new private trackers to be launched in 2009/2010 period. This feature rich TV tracker has everything; good content, fast pre times and excellent download speeds. Read the full review for more information.
torrentsRmine (tRm)
Site Name: torrentsRmine (http://www.torrentsrmine.org)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.torrentsrmine.org/torrentsrmine?
Stats: 580 members and 1150+ torrents
Description: torrentsRmine is a private tracker for TV talk shows, crime/drama/lifestyle series and documentaries. tRm is a niche TV tracker and indexes content sometimes not even found on leading sites such as BitMeTV or TVT.com. All torrents on free leech until 31 December 2010.
Save The Coratee (STC)
Site Name: Save The Coratee (http://savethecoratee.org)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.savethecoratee.org/invites
Stats: 3600+ users and ~4900 torrents
Description: Save The Coratee (STC) is a must have tracker for all Apple Mac, iPhone or iPod users. This ratio free private tracker indexes software, games, tutorial videos and even books and magazines for both Mac OS and iPhone. Based on Gazelle codebase.
The Occult
Site Name: The Occult (http://theoccult.bz)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.thevault.bz:6667/theoccult-support
Invite Application URL: http://theoccult.bz/app.php
Stats: 1250+ torrents
Description: The Occult has some of the most unusual & uncommon torrent categories ever seen on a private tracker (Mythology, Scientology, Drugs, Shamanism, Astrology to name a few). It specializes in torrents related to various cults, ways of living, religions, healing and so on.
Site Name: ACiD
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.pron.org.uk/acid-invites
Stats: 19000 users and 8000+ torrents
Description: ACiD is a closed private tracker for General/0day releases. This community based site has been online for more than 4 years. Indexes scene + non scene content and releases unique to this tracker.
Site Name: Sparvar (http://www.sparvar.org)
Invite Application URL: http://www.sparvar.org/invitationform.php
Translated Version of Invite Application: http://bit.ly/JKJ93
Description: Sparvar is an excellent untouched DVDR and Blu Ray torrent tracker that saw phenomenal growth in 2009. While the site is pretty good, getting in could be difficult specially for users who are new to private trackers.
Site Name: BrokenStones (http://brokenstones.me/)
Invites Site: http://bswillyouinvite.me/
Description: Brokenstones is probably the most popular specialized Mac tracker. Definitely a must have site if you own an Apple product.
Stats: 5000+ users
AnimeBytes (AB)
Site Name: AnimeBytes (http://animebyt.es)
Invite Applicaiton URL: http://animebyt.es/application.php
Stats: 3500+ users and ~8800 torrents
Description: AnimeBytes is a specialized anime torrent tracker. Runs of a customized version of Gazelle codebase and has some really nice site features in addition to the decently sized torrent index.
Site Name: TorrentTech (http://www.torrentech.org/)
Type: TorrentTech is a huge electronic music tracker with lots of torrents and active members. If you are an EDM fan, check this out.
Stats: 3500+ members
IRC Channel: http://irc.torrentech.org/ (requires java)
Tracker Specific Instructions: No. But reading the TT rules is strongly recommended. It may take a long time to actually get invited.
Site Name: What.CD (http://what.cd)
Type: Do we really need to say anything more? Pretty much everyone knows what this is. What.CD is the largest private music torrent tracker out there.
Invites IRC Channel: irc://irc.what.cd:6667/what.cd-invites
Tracker Specific Instructions: Yes and if you try to get an invite without reading these first, there is a high likelihood of failure.
CoExist (CE)
Site Name: CoExist (http://coexist.biz)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.coexist.biz/ce.invites
Stats: 8200+ torrents and 2000+ users
Description: CoExist is a ratio free music torrent with English music albums. Runs on a heavily customized TBDEV codebase with lots of add-ons.
My Anonamouse
Site Name: My Anonamouse (http://www.myanonamouse.net)
Invite Application URL: http://www.myanonamouse.net/inviteapp.php
Stats: 33000+ users and ~37000 torrents
Description: My Anonamouse is simply one of the best online resources to download audio books. Apart from the tons of AudioBooks, there are quite a few E-books indexed as well. Friendly staff and nice community in addition to great content makes this an excellent private tracker.
Site Name: Jambands (http://jambands.fm)
Invite request Email: invites[at]jambands[dot]fm (Read this for more information)
Description: Jambands is a new torrent site that focuses on media related to live music and concerts. Runs on Gazelle codebase.
PackMe.In (PiN)
Site Name: Packme.in (https://packme.in)
Invite Application URL: https://packme.in/inviteapp.php
Stats: 1175+ packs
Description: Packme.In is a ratio free packs only torrent tracker. You won’t find any individual releases here but if packs is what you are looking for, this is the place to go.
Wild-Bytes (WB)
Site Name: WIld Bytes (http://www.wild-bytes.net)
Invite Application URL: http://www.wild-bytes.net/userapp.php
Description: Wild Bytes is another veteran General/0Day torrent tracker that’s been around for many years.
Full Review: [Click Here] – this review is very old (2008)
FreeTheScene (FTS)
Site Name: Free The Scene (http://freethescene.net)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.freethescene.net/fts-invite
Stats: 3300+ torrents and 3600+ members
Description: FreeTheScene is a General/0Day torrent tracker based on Gazelle codebase. This site recently went ratio free.
ChronicTracker (CT)
Site Name: ChronicTracker (http://www.chronictracker.com)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.chronictracker.com/CT.Support
Description: ChronicTracker is a long standing private tracker for general content.
Site Name: PTFiles (http://ptfiles.net)
Invite Channel URL: http://ptfiles.net/inviteapp/
Description: PTFiles, which is a reincarnation of now defunct Phoenix-Torrent,is a General/0day torrent tracker indexing scene and non scene content.
Site Name: bitGamer (http://www.bitgamer.com)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.underground-gamer.com/bginvites
Description: bitGAMER is a dedicated games torrent tracker that tracks games for multiple platforms. Currently running on TBDEV codebase but will soon migrate to gazelle.
Underground Gamer (UG)
Site Name: Underground Gamer (http://www.underground-gamer.com)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.underground-gamer.com/invites
Description: bitGAMER’s sister site. Unlike BG, underground Gamer focuses more on retro games – there’s a good collection of them on this tracker. Includes ROMs & emulation related stuff as well. .
We have in the past posted several similar lists of trackers that give away invites via IRC. However this is an updated post which only includes sites that are currently live and have open invites. Several new trackers have been added, older, inactive ones removed and statistics, invite channel URLs and IRC info have also been updated over the previous articles. Torrent sites that did not wish to be publicly named were not included in the article. If you know any other sites that engage in IRC/invite applications recruitment, feel free to share the info in comments.
Em destaque para esta página,
que copiei aqui pro fórum,
acho que o maior destaque fica por conta do What.CD
Alguns como o AcidLouge, eu consegui fazer o cadastro através desta matériia.
Alguns eu já tenho conta...
Alguns eu só entrei pra confirmar o IRC.
Tem alguns Reviews de alguns trackers aqui no fórum... depois eu dou uma procurada e coloco os links aqui... é que vou ter que dar uma saída.
Se alguém conseguir algum dos convites dos trackers acima e puder reportar... assim a galera fica sabendo...
Fonte do Conteúdo
KillaWaves (KWS)
Site Name: KillaWaves (http://killawaves.org/)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.killawaves.org/Invites
Stats: 3700+ torrents
Description: KillaWaves (better known as KWS) is a Gazelle based private BitTorrent tracker that specializes in Drum and Bass (DnB), Oldskool, Jungle, Ambient, Techno, Garage and Dubstep music.
ScienceHD (SciHD)
Site Name: ScienceHD (http://sciencehd.info)
Invite Application URL: http://sciencehd.info/applications.php
Stats: 2200+ users and 4600+ torrents
Description: ScienceHD is an excellent gazelle based private tracker for Science Fiction TV & documentary torrents. “Mad scientists await your arrival”
Merlin (ML)
Site Name: Merlin or ML
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.pron.org.uk/merlins-invites
Stats: 900+ Torrents
Description: Merlin (or ML) is a relatively new private torrent site that indexes movies, TV shows and music that belong to Science Fiction / Fantasy genres. ML is a project by the veteran crew behind ACiD.
The Vault
Site Name: The Vault (http://thevault.bz)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.thevault.bz:6667/thevault-invites
Invite Application URL: http://thevault.bz/app.php
Stats: 18000+ torrents
Description: The Vault is a private tracker that focuses primarily on money making (both online and offline) and business. Niche private tracker with some very rare content.
ShareTheRemote (STR)
Site Name: Share The Remote (http://sharetheremote.org/)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.sharetheremote.org/invite
Stats: 4800+ torrents and 7300 users
Description: ShareTheRemote is a new Gazelle based TV torrent tracker indexing episodes from over 1000 different television shows.
Site Name: BTN
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.omgwtfhax.net/BTN-Invites
Stats: ~5000 users and 12750+ torrents
Description: BTN is without a doubt one of the best new private trackers to be launched in 2009/2010 period. This feature rich TV tracker has everything; good content, fast pre times and excellent download speeds. Read the full review for more information.
torrentsRmine (tRm)
Site Name: torrentsRmine (http://www.torrentsrmine.org)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.torrentsrmine.org/torrentsrmine?
Stats: 580 members and 1150+ torrents
Description: torrentsRmine is a private tracker for TV talk shows, crime/drama/lifestyle series and documentaries. tRm is a niche TV tracker and indexes content sometimes not even found on leading sites such as BitMeTV or TVT.com. All torrents on free leech until 31 December 2010.
Save The Coratee (STC)
Site Name: Save The Coratee (http://savethecoratee.org)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.savethecoratee.org/invites
Stats: 3600+ users and ~4900 torrents
Description: Save The Coratee (STC) is a must have tracker for all Apple Mac, iPhone or iPod users. This ratio free private tracker indexes software, games, tutorial videos and even books and magazines for both Mac OS and iPhone. Based on Gazelle codebase.
The Occult
Site Name: The Occult (http://theoccult.bz)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.thevault.bz:6667/theoccult-support
Invite Application URL: http://theoccult.bz/app.php
Stats: 1250+ torrents
Description: The Occult has some of the most unusual & uncommon torrent categories ever seen on a private tracker (Mythology, Scientology, Drugs, Shamanism, Astrology to name a few). It specializes in torrents related to various cults, ways of living, religions, healing and so on.
Site Name: ACiD
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.pron.org.uk/acid-invites
Stats: 19000 users and 8000+ torrents
Description: ACiD is a closed private tracker for General/0day releases. This community based site has been online for more than 4 years. Indexes scene + non scene content and releases unique to this tracker.
Site Name: Sparvar (http://www.sparvar.org)
Invite Application URL: http://www.sparvar.org/invitationform.php
Translated Version of Invite Application: http://bit.ly/JKJ93
Description: Sparvar is an excellent untouched DVDR and Blu Ray torrent tracker that saw phenomenal growth in 2009. While the site is pretty good, getting in could be difficult specially for users who are new to private trackers.
Site Name: BrokenStones (http://brokenstones.me/)
Invites Site: http://bswillyouinvite.me/
Description: Brokenstones is probably the most popular specialized Mac tracker. Definitely a must have site if you own an Apple product.
Stats: 5000+ users
AnimeBytes (AB)
Site Name: AnimeBytes (http://animebyt.es)
Invite Applicaiton URL: http://animebyt.es/application.php
Stats: 3500+ users and ~8800 torrents
Description: AnimeBytes is a specialized anime torrent tracker. Runs of a customized version of Gazelle codebase and has some really nice site features in addition to the decently sized torrent index.
Site Name: TorrentTech (http://www.torrentech.org/)
Type: TorrentTech is a huge electronic music tracker with lots of torrents and active members. If you are an EDM fan, check this out.
Stats: 3500+ members
IRC Channel: http://irc.torrentech.org/ (requires java)
Tracker Specific Instructions: No. But reading the TT rules is strongly recommended. It may take a long time to actually get invited.
Site Name: What.CD (http://what.cd)
Type: Do we really need to say anything more? Pretty much everyone knows what this is. What.CD is the largest private music torrent tracker out there.
Invites IRC Channel: irc://irc.what.cd:6667/what.cd-invites
Tracker Specific Instructions: Yes and if you try to get an invite without reading these first, there is a high likelihood of failure.
CoExist (CE)
Site Name: CoExist (http://coexist.biz)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.coexist.biz/ce.invites
Stats: 8200+ torrents and 2000+ users
Description: CoExist is a ratio free music torrent with English music albums. Runs on a heavily customized TBDEV codebase with lots of add-ons.
My Anonamouse
Site Name: My Anonamouse (http://www.myanonamouse.net)
Invite Application URL: http://www.myanonamouse.net/inviteapp.php
Stats: 33000+ users and ~37000 torrents
Description: My Anonamouse is simply one of the best online resources to download audio books. Apart from the tons of AudioBooks, there are quite a few E-books indexed as well. Friendly staff and nice community in addition to great content makes this an excellent private tracker.
Site Name: Jambands (http://jambands.fm)
Invite request Email: invites[at]jambands[dot]fm (Read this for more information)
Description: Jambands is a new torrent site that focuses on media related to live music and concerts. Runs on Gazelle codebase.
PackMe.In (PiN)
Site Name: Packme.in (https://packme.in)
Invite Application URL: https://packme.in/inviteapp.php
Stats: 1175+ packs
Description: Packme.In is a ratio free packs only torrent tracker. You won’t find any individual releases here but if packs is what you are looking for, this is the place to go.
Wild-Bytes (WB)
Site Name: WIld Bytes (http://www.wild-bytes.net)
Invite Application URL: http://www.wild-bytes.net/userapp.php
Description: Wild Bytes is another veteran General/0Day torrent tracker that’s been around for many years.
Full Review: [Click Here] – this review is very old (2008)
FreeTheScene (FTS)
Site Name: Free The Scene (http://freethescene.net)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.freethescene.net/fts-invite
Stats: 3300+ torrents and 3600+ members
Description: FreeTheScene is a General/0Day torrent tracker based on Gazelle codebase. This site recently went ratio free.
ChronicTracker (CT)
Site Name: ChronicTracker (http://www.chronictracker.com)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.chronictracker.com/CT.Support
Description: ChronicTracker is a long standing private tracker for general content.
Site Name: PTFiles (http://ptfiles.net)
Invite Channel URL: http://ptfiles.net/inviteapp/
Description: PTFiles, which is a reincarnation of now defunct Phoenix-Torrent,is a General/0day torrent tracker indexing scene and non scene content.
Site Name: bitGamer (http://www.bitgamer.com)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.underground-gamer.com/bginvites
Description: bitGAMER is a dedicated games torrent tracker that tracks games for multiple platforms. Currently running on TBDEV codebase but will soon migrate to gazelle.
Underground Gamer (UG)
Site Name: Underground Gamer (http://www.underground-gamer.com)
Invite Channel URL: irc://irc.underground-gamer.com/invites
Description: bitGAMER’s sister site. Unlike BG, underground Gamer focuses more on retro games – there’s a good collection of them on this tracker. Includes ROMs & emulation related stuff as well. .
We have in the past posted several similar lists of trackers that give away invites via IRC. However this is an updated post which only includes sites that are currently live and have open invites. Several new trackers have been added, older, inactive ones removed and statistics, invite channel URLs and IRC info have also been updated over the previous articles. Torrent sites that did not wish to be publicly named were not included in the article. If you know any other sites that engage in IRC/invite applications recruitment, feel free to share the info in comments.
Em destaque para esta página,
que copiei aqui pro fórum,
acho que o maior destaque fica por conta do What.CD
Alguns como o AcidLouge, eu consegui fazer o cadastro através desta matériia.
Alguns eu já tenho conta...
Alguns eu só entrei pra confirmar o IRC.
Tem alguns Reviews de alguns trackers aqui no fórum... depois eu dou uma procurada e coloco os links aqui... é que vou ter que dar uma saída.
Se alguém conseguir algum dos convites dos trackers acima e puder reportar... assim a galera fica sabendo...
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