If memory serves correct, it’s been ages since TorrentInvite.com publicly announced an open registration to acquire new members for an extended period of time. Quite possibly when it did occur last was through a special FSF promotional article way back in June 2009. For those who caught that old post, a lot has changed over at T.I. since then. We’re talking about some amazing unique upgrades & new enhancements which can’t be found on any other board - details which we’ll get to. FSF has been informed that aspiring members can currently join TorrentInvite directly, but it won’t last long.
Registration to TorrentInvite is slated to be open until July 21st but may end sooner due to member limits. If interested, sign up while you can.
Online for more than 3 years, T.I. has solidified itself as a leading torrent forum accompanied by solid staff and a loyal fanbase that continues to grow. Below is a breakdown of the forum stats as compared to a year ago:
| June 12, 2009 | July 16, 2010 |
Threads: | 18,578 | 35,983 |
Posts: | 185,681 | 385,068 |
Active Members: | 1,848 | 2,342 |
Here’s a list of what’s new at TorrentInvite:
Custom VB4 Forum Source
T.I. has undergone a drastic redesign of the forum which now runs on the new vBulletin 4.0 codebase with a fully customized design. This is immediately noticable on their home page (content.php) which now reflects ‘torrent news’ items and other forum posts - including an updated listing of invite giveaways cleverly posted in the right sidebar.
Within the forum itself, torrent discussion sections have now been moved to a central location, aptly called "Torrenting".
For invite seekers, givers and the like, it’s the "Invite Zone" area to take notice of (surely the most popular forum area around T.I.) which continues to be their bread-and-butter. After all, TorrentInvite.com is renowned for their invites to trackers. They’ve smartly done away with levels and instead have two sections for giveaways to take place (amateurs and pros). See the screenie below for requirements for gaining access to each sub-forum.
All-New ‘Rep’ System
This isn’t the first time that T.I. has revamped their entire rep system, but their latest changes bring forth new features unseen elsewhere. Now there are two individual rep systems (experience and feedback) with an intent to provide fairness for earned reputation to all forum members, not to just those who are doing invite giveaways.
Feedback — This is based on the eBay system whereby members receive a feedback score (from other members). It’s main use is to give negative, neutral or positive feedback for tracker invites (given or received) as well as for help. It replaces the previous system whereby rep points were awarded based upon a certain rep value that was assigned to trackers.
Experience — The experience system awards points for overall activity on the board. Members earn experience points for making posts, replying to threads, using the ‘thanks’ button, receiving thanks, and just about anything else (see this link for a complete list). The feedback system is also linked to experience so the higher your feedback the more experience points you earn in that section. Note: All members’ previous activity has been carried forward to this new system.
TorrentInvite.com in 2010…and Beyond
Rarely are boards of this caliber open for registration unconditionally (without some form of recruitment, online application, trial period, pre-screening examinations, or limited forum areas pending approval of account — none of which exist at TorrentInvite.com). To get involved in the giveaways, all that’s required is 2 forum posts; one being an introduction.
We won’t deny that the ‘Net is already over-saturated with ‘torrent forums’ although we can count on one hand the number of private forums that are consistently active, and T.I. is surely among the best of the best. Online since May 2007, T.I. has proven itself as a premier torrent community that prides itself on a high level of activity without any of that self-absorbed lofty elitism.